Parish Nurse



Since 1993, Life Line Screening has been the premier provider of annual
preventive health screenings for stroke and cardiovascular disease risk
as well as other chronic illnesses.

 Over 10 million people have trusted Life Line Screening to provide peace
of mind or early detection.
 Each year, about 650,000 people are screened at over 14,000 locations
across the country and about 45,000 abnormal results are identified.

Bad News
 Every 33 seconds, someone dies from
Cardiovascular Disease in the U.S.
 For 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke,
the first symptom is the stroke.
Good News
 The good news is that 80% of strokes and
heart disease can be prevented, according
to the American Heart Association.
 Screenings are easy, painless and provide
peace of mind or early detection so you
can take action with your physician.
Stroke and cardiovascular disease risk
screenings are recommended for anyone
age 40 or older.


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