Women at the Well began at St Malachy Parish in 2007
This ministry was organized to provide an evening of fellowship, as well as to have the women be educated, entertained and inspired by various speakers on diverse topics. There is also a delicious meal served by the men of the parish.
The goal of the committee is to simply present an enjoyable, faith filled evening for the women of St Malachy Parish and the community.
A wonderful outcome that has sprung from our events is the purchasing of wells in Nigeria. At each event the ladies are asked, if they wish, to donate money towards the purchase of a well. These wells provide life saving clean water to villages. Our donations are sent to The Dominican Sisters of Peace who work in conjunction with Hope For The Village Child which oversees the digging of the wells. As of March 2020, we have raised enough to have 18 wells dug.
This ministry has been a blessing to so many.