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Policies & Procedures

Cancellation/2 Hour Delay Policy

If the Geneseo School District cancels school due to inclement weather, St. Malachy School is also cancelled.
If the Geneseo School District delays the start of school due to inclement weather, St. Malachy School will also delay the start of school.
2 Hour Delay Schedule

Car Line Drop Off/Pick Up

Morning Drop Off

  • Students that are car riders may be dropped off beginning at 7:45 a.m.
  • All car riders must be dropped off on the west side of the the building, near the playground.
  • Enter driveway on east side of school and proceed directly ahead following the road around to the west side of school
  • During inclement weather, a sign will be posted indicating inside recess. Students are to enter the school instead of the playground.

Afternoon Pick Up

  • Enter driveway on east side of school and immediately turn right traveling along the outer perimeter of the parking lot heading north.
  • Cars arriving before 2:45 p.m. will wait at the stop sign on the east side of the school.
  • After 2:45, when the stop sign is removed, cars may proceed along the driveway around the back of the school and wait at the second stop sign.
  • The first car in line will move the stop sign aside at 3:05 p.m.
  • Cars will then proceed along the curb pulling all the way forward in the pick up line.
  • If possible, in the afternoon it is recommended that students enter their vehicle on the driver's side.
  • When departing, move across to the right lane to leave the parking lot (just past the garden/shelter area).
  • Cars should avoid parking at the north end of the east parking lot during dismissal time.
  • Entry to the west parking lot is permitted at any time, however, cars may not proceed past the last parking bay (playground area).
  • Use caution when entering or leaving the school parking lots as many students cross both driveways after 2:00 p.m.

  • Car riders and walkers will be dismissed after buses have been loaded and dismissed.
  • Buses typically arrive at 3:08 p.m.

Visitors to the School
  • All doors to the school remained locked during the school day beginning at 8:15.
  • All visitors to the school must ring the bell to enter through the locked doors of the school office and sign in. This includes classroom helpers, volunteers in the lunch room and parents picking their children up for appointments.
  • Students should be signed in/out in the office for appointments during the school day.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Recess
  • St. Malachy School uses AccuWeather "real feel" to determine whether students will be inside or outside for recesses. 
  • If the "real feel" temperature is 15 degrees or above, students will be outside for recess.
  • To be allowed to play in the snow, students are required to wear boots and snow pants.

Concussion Policy
Printable Concussion Information Sheet

Faith's Law
Faiths Law Resource Guide.pdf